I no longer offer individual or relationship counseling. For those seeking individual or relationship counseling,
please check out the practitioner directories on my resources page for identifying other practitioner options.

Modalities & Practitioner Directories

American Group Psychotherapy Association
A multidisciplinary organization dedicated to advancing knowledge, research, and training in group psychotherapy.

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) Institute
Offering training, supervision, workshops, and resources for advancing the practice and growth of AEDP; drawing from attachment theory, affective neuroscience, body-focused approaches, and transformational studies.

Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy
Stan Tatkin’s integration of attachment theory, developmental neuroscience, and arousal regulation in working with couples.  

Somatic Experiencing International
Dedicated to resolving trauma through professional training and public education in Somatic Experiencing, as developed by Peter A. Levine.

The Hakomi Institute
Extensive information about Hakomi, a calendar of workshops and trainings, an online professional journal, and many other resources.

Portland Therapy Center
A general directory of Portland-area mental health professionals with advanced search features.


Basic NVC Model | Feelings and Needs Lists | Feelings vs. Interpretations
Based on the work of Marshall B. Rosenberg and The Center for Nonviolent Communication.

Getting the Most Out of an Interpersonal Process Group 
How to get the most out of the often-confusing experience of joining an unstructured interpersonal process group.

Processes that Foster Secure Attachment in Group Psychotherapy 
Based on the work of Cheri L. Marmarosh, Rayna D. Markin, and Eric B. Spiegel.

Online Study

Wise Heart – English | Español
Local and online workshops for individuals and couples seeking practical communication, dialogue, and relationship skills, taught by LaShelle Lowe-Chardé.  


Interviews I’ve conducted with with other practitioners on traumatic stress, couples, group work, and spirituality can be found here.  

Other Resources

Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs: Print | Audio | Español
A balanced presentation of options associated with coming off (or staying on) psychiatric drugs.  Written by Will Hall and published by the Icarus Project and The Freedom Center.

Tri-County Resource List | MCHD Community Resource List 
Resources and services in Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington County for a wide range of needs.

Oregon and National Crisis Resources
Crisis line information for each county in Oregon, as well as national crisis lines for various populations.