I no longer offer individual or relationship counseling. For those seeking individual or relationship counseling,
please check out the practitioner directories on my resources page for identifying other practitioner options.

Photo Credits

• The Home page three-fold grid includes, “Oak Leaves and Seeds,” “Hugh lane Municipal Gallery,” and “Salt Flats,” all by Psyberartist on Flickr (licensed under CC BY 2.0).
• The What I Offer page banner is a derivative of “Campo de lava de Eldraun” by Cesar Lopez on Flickr (licensed under CC BY 2.0).
• The Approach page banner is a derivative of “Evergreen” by Judy Dean on Flickr (licensed under CC BY 2.0).
• The Getting Started page banner is a derivative of “Lilac” by Matthias Rhomberg on Flickr (licensed under CC BY 2.0).