I no longer offer individual or relationship counseling. For those seeking individual or relationship counseling,
please check out the practitioner directories on my resources page for identifying other practitioner options.

Ali Kimmell

An Interview with Ali Kimmell: Today I’m interviewing Ali Kimmell.  Ali Kimmell is a Certified Group Psychotherapist (CGP) who also teaches, consults, and writes about group therapy.  She received graduate training in psychodynamic psychotherapy at The Psychotherapy Institute in Berkeley and in modern group analysis at the Center for Group Studies in New York City.  … Continued

An photograph of Dr. Carlos Canales, a licensed Clinical Psychologist, Certified Group Psychotherapist, and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in private practice.

Carlos Canales

An Interview with Dr. Carlos Canales: Today I’m interviewing Dr. Carlos Canales.  Dr. Canales is a licensed Clinical Psychologist, Certified Group Psychotherapist, and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in private practice.  Dr. Canales has been facilitating a variety of psychotherapist groups for almost two decades, including a training group for psychotherapists.  He currently serves on the board … Continued